Stay at Home
Sketch at Home
Dear parents,
In response to the covid measure tightening, government advice everyone to stay at home. myFirst initiates a weekly #SketchAtHome campaign and provides FREE myFirst Sketch 12″ (Fully Redeemed) for kids from 3 to 12 years old in Singapore to sketch at home.
A weekly campaign drawing template will be available on our Facebook page. Finish the drawing and share your kid’s drawing on social media (Don’t forget to tag us FB: @MyfirstOfficial / IG: @myfirst.official), the drawing with most LIKEs and most creative drawing will be the winner. Every week, ONE winner will be selected to get myFirst Sketch Book (worth S$99.00) as the reward. Campaign starts from now to 18th June 2021.
Fill up the form below to register for the #SketchAtHome campaign, and redeem the FREE myFirst Sketch 12″ (Fully Redeemed)
* Only one free sketch per household. Whilst stocks last.
* If you encounter issue during registration, contact us at
Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.
With Love from myFirst